June 03, 2014

30 Day Countdown

Map made via GoogleMaps
Thirty.  TrentaDreißigWait - did I read that right?  Only 30 days until we're skipping our merry way over to Europe for a bucket-list vacation?!  Egad!

At this point, I didn't expect to have an underlying feeling of panic in tandem with my uncontrolled excitement, but I'm definitely experiencing a wee bit of anxiety.  We've been waiting so long for this trip (it's been two years since we've taken a long vacation), and I just don't feel like we're ready yet!

Granted, I do have the big items accomplished.  We booked our flights in February, our hotels in March, and mapped out all train routes including cost estimations.  Last week I made reservations for the Vatican Museum (best way to avoid lines!), and seeing that line item on my bank statement made me positively giddy!  Yet many things remain on the to-do list, such as booking the train tickets from Naples to Rome and arranging pick-up at Dulles when we return (all good things must come to an end, I suppose).

Yesterday we double-checked our passports to make sure everything is pristine, and we'll need to make photocopies of them to take with us.  Because my mind is in a million different directions, I feel sure that I've forgotten to do something; hopefully I'll remember in time!  But I'm too busy dreaming about this...

And this...

Oh, and these, too...

And of course all of these things...

Stuttgart, Germany.  Source.
Dinkelsbuhl, Germany.  Source.
(c) Thrifty Gypsy
And maybe a few side trips for...

Burg Hohenzollern.  Source.

Nuremberg.  Source.
And it would be really nice to see...

Strasbourg, France.  Source.
But maybe I should get my head out of picture books and focus on tackling all our to-do lists for this trip!

Do you have a standard to-do list or packing list that you use for your travels?