You didn't think I'd give our destination away that easily, did you?
In honor of our fifth return to Europe in as many years, instead of just announcing our new destination, I want you to guess it! And to give you a little bit of an incentive, I've compiled a give-away gift for one lucky winner!
A Luckies of London Scratch Map of the World! (Approx. $25 value)
Let's face it, as travelers we love to show off all the places we've been, whether in list form, our travel photos on the wall, or souvenir magnets on the fridge. What's cooler than a map on which you can scratch off all the places you've visited for your own unique picture of the world?! I'm hoping to throw in a few packs of German chocolate as well if the shipping costs are conducive.
So here's the deal: I'll provide three small clues to our new destination below, and you leave your best guess for our destination in the comment section. A winner will be randomly drawn from the correct guesses, and if my hints are terrible and no correct guesses are made, a winner will be drawn from all participants! To increase your chances of winning, follow our Instagram and Twitter accounts and leave your usernames in the comment. I'll follow you back - it's a win-win situation for you! The contest will close on Christmas Eve, and I will announce a winner on January 1st!*
Here are your clues...
1: This country is on our bucket list.
2: This country is located in Europe.
3: The amount of international tourists visiting this country per year outnumbers the country's entire population.
These clues are vague, but a quick search through my blog should afford you at least two decent guesses. Besides, I'm looking forward to seeing all the guesses - right or wrong!
This spring our road will lead us to Bavaria, but where are we going first? Leave your guess in a comment below and be sure to follow our social media accounts!
Facebook ~ Twitter ~ Instagram ~ Pinterest ~ Bloglovin'
*If your comment doesn't provide a link to where you can be contacted but you still wish to participate in the giveaway, either check back here on January 1st to find out if you won or send your contact info to!
Facebook ~ Twitter ~ Instagram ~ Pinterest ~ Bloglovin'
*If your comment doesn't provide a link to where you can be contacted but you still wish to participate in the giveaway, either check back here on January 1st to find out if you won or send your contact info to!
Linking up with Bonnie Rose, Courtney, Cynthia, and Yalanda for #TravelTuesday!
Linking up with A Brit and a Southerner every Friday for the #WeekendWanderlust! Check out the other great travel bloggers in the link-up!