What's 142 meters high, built from thousands of tonnes of sandstone, and boasted the tallest spire in the world for 227 years (1647-1874)? If you guessed the Notre Dame Cathedral in Strasbourg, France, you'd be correct!
Constructed between 1015 and 1439 in the late-Gothic style, the Strasbourg Cathedral towers prominently above its picturesque town and is also visible from the Vosgues mountains over 60 kilometers away. To say that I felt dwarfed by this massive church would be a vast understatement.
Even at ground level, the Cathedral features all the more prominently since it is surrounded by many buildings with the quintessential half-timbered look, which contrasts nicely against the church's stone facade. The intricate carving conveys the viewers' eyes up to its spire, a literal response to their figurative reminder to cast your thoughts upward to God.
Inside the Cathedral is a marvelous astronomical clock, one of the largest in the world (18 meters tall) and a mathematical wonder of its time. Having viewed the Prague astronomical clock in 2012, it was neat to do a mental comparison of the two.
Unfortunately, we did not have time to climb the spire as per our tradition (we had a World Cup party to attend that evening!), but would encourage you to do so if you can. I'm sure the views are stunning, even on an overcast day!
Have you visited Strasbourg Cathedral?
Linking up with A Southern Gypsy for #WeekendWanderlust!